parents 50th anniversary. They were not expecting the rest of the family
so were a bit overwealmed, but they had such a good time.
The venue fitted the occasion and couple perfectly with its beautiful
(on the left) who have lived humble lives embracing the concept of love and respect in every aspect of their life...for their family, for their fellow man and all that is God created. Their faith in a loving God has seen them through many turmoils and illnesses and it continues. They pray together daily, for the whole family and for anyone or anything who is in need of prayer. They have enriched the entire family and all around them with this legacy and I thank God for the blessing of these two wonderfull people that have been given to me and my own children.
The rest of my family are from old farming stock and they too have stood together through many hardships. My uncle passed away nearly 20 years ago, but his legacy also lives on through the lives of his children.
Family unity is so precious and should be fought for above all else because it gives hope and tangible proof that love does transend all. Nothing is more important than love.
There is such peace in simplicity, such strength in love.
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