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Friday, April 23, 2010


I wish that I knew how to use my camera properly!!!!! This would have made such
an interesting picture...
This moth was resting on the glass ..almost looks asif it was placed in the sky

This other little chap/ lady, was caught on the patio, helping itself to our cats food. My son
took it to his girlfriends house with the intention of offering it as food to her really large and agressive 'dragon' thingy...fortunately, he was released in the neighbouring veld to make lots more little chaps/ladies.
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1 comment:

  1. Sharon you have a fancy camera like mine. I went to Mauritius and took a whole bunch of photos that really didn't come out well. When I got back I took my camera into Universal Image and they said the camera hadn't been put on the right settings. I was using auto so I didn't think it would be a problem. They set it for me and things have been fine since then. Go into one of their stores and ask the guys to show you, they are only too happy to help.
    The top moth picture would have been great, except that your camera focused on the backgroung instead of the foreground.
